Our Pastor:

Rev. Jerry Egger was born and raised in Indianapolis, the older of two sons. His education was all in public schools, including Indiana University at Bloomington, where he majored in liberal arts. He was president of his fraternity, Beta Theta Pi. He earned a degree from Indianapolis Law School. He and his wife, Marjorie both graduated from the Lancaster Theological Seminary, Jerry in 2005 and Marjorie in 2006. Jerry took a pastoral call in Rensselaer, Indiana. In 2012 they moved to Coastal Delaware where Jerry serves on the Committee of Preparation for Ministry and has filled the pulpit at many area churches. Marjorie serves on the Committee on Ministry and preaches regularly at Faith Chapel near Berlin.  Jerry and his wife of 43 years, Marjorie, met during their freshman year at I.U. They have a son, two daughters and two grandsons.  He has a passion for photography and bicycling, acted in community theater productions, has sung in a barbershop chorus and works out at the local gym.  Jerry is serving OVPC in an interim capacity after the retirement of our former pastor.

Our Mission:

Trusting God - Facing each day with gratitude and hope. 

Ocean View Presbyterian Church, guided by scripture, inspired by the Holy Spirit, keeps Christ as the center of our thought and action.  We value worship as the central act of this congregation.  We have a commitment to continue learning through theological inquiry and biblical study, with the freedom to question.  We care about each other in times of laughter and sorrow and trust in God's grace.  We believe in reaching out as a faith community to help others and to share our faith in Jesus Christ.

The Ocean View Presbyterian Church is a Christian Church, joining with all who are followers of Jesus Christ.  Along with those other churches, we believe in the triune God, the God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  God has created us, has redeemed us, sustains us.

The Ocean View Presbyterian Church is is part of one of the main branches of the Protestant Reformation, the Reformed Tradition.  The term 'reformed' refers to the theological tradition growing out of the Swiss Reformation in the sixteenth century.  Reformed churches sought to reform the church, bringing it in harmony with the New Testament and the early church.  Its leaders were Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531) in Zurich and John Calvin (1509-1574) in Geneva.  The Reformed Tradition spread throughout England and Europe.  It came to America through the British Isles.  A leader of the church in Scotland was John Knox (c. 1513-1572).  Reformed churches believe: in the holy catholic church, that life must be fully oriented around God, that the Bible is authoritative, that God takes the initiative in salvation by electing us, that there is a radical distinction between God and the creature with God as sovereign over all, that theology is a practical science, and that God's Word and Spirit shape every aspect of our lives.

The word 'Presbyterian' in the title of our church refers to our form of government.  This form took shape in the Scottish church.  The Presbyterian Church was first organized in America in 1706, the person most responsible being Francis Makerni (c. 1658-1707/8).  In determining how the church governs itself appeal is made to the practice of Scripture.  Governing is done through representative assemblies.  These assemblies are made up of people elected by congregations and ordained to serve as presbyters.  Whether these presbyters are Ministers of the Word and Sacrament (the pastor) or Ruling Elders, they serve with equal authority.

The Ocean View Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Our History:

The Ocean View Presbyterian Church was the first church to be built in this area.  It was formed in 1856 by members of the Blackwater Presbyterian Church.  The money for the original structure was obtained from going house to house asking for donations.  The building was to be used by other Christians when not in use by the Presbyterians.  The first sermon was preached by the Rev. William Graham on June 8, 1856.  The present sanctuary was constructed in 1907.

In 1974 the church erected the George T. West Fellowship Center, known familiarly as the Fellowship Center.  In 1983 it was enlarged to its present size.

The need was soon felt for a much larger meeting hall.  The hall was built in 2003 and dedicated on September 7.  Church facilities are not only for use by the congregation.  The church kows it as part of its mission to make these facilities available to groups in the area.

Though the church cemetery is now restricted to members of the congregation, it has throughout the years been open to all.  Buried in it are slaves and sailors from the ship Red Wing.

In 1879 the Sewing Circle was organized taking both men and women as members.  The Sewing Circle has the honor of being the oldest society in Delaware operating under its original name.  It is still active, meeting once a month.  The purpose of the Circle is to share in Bible study, to equip the work of the congregation, to do mission, and to provide fellowship for our congregation.

At first the pastor was shared with the Blackwater Church and later with the Frankford Presbyterian Church.  In January 1987 we were able to support our own pastor.  As of October 1, 1997, the Ocean View and Frankford Churches re-yoked - a relationship which lasted until 2014.

Our Purpose:

The Ocean View Presbyterian Church is a Christian congregation.  We see ourselves as having been called and commissioned by Christ to point to His presence and to carry on His ministry in the world and in our area.  While we share with other Christian churches this identity and mission there are things about us that makes us unique.

Worship is the cornerstone of our life together.  In worship we acknowledge our dependence upon God, give thanks for God's goodness, and seek to be molded into God's faithful people.

We strive to be a community which manifests God's desire for justice and righteousness for all persons.  In this congregation each person is seen as having been called and equipped by God to minister in unique ways.  We encourage each other to carry out these ministries both in the church and in the community.

We identify ourselves as a caring community.  We strive to be a community which manifests God's compassion and care for each other, both within and outside of the church.  We are a very diverse congregation, yet we strive to discuss matters and to respect differing opinions.  This is a very active congregation.  We encourage new ideas and the trying of new things.  We cooperate in tasks.  Everyone has the opportunity to be involved.  In this congregation each person is needed.  People have responsibilities and are missed when they are not there.  You make a difference.  Your presence is appreciated.  Your involvement is valued.  Your absence is felt.


We invite you to become a member of the Ocean View Presbyterian Church.

Belief in the God known through Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit entails membership in Christ' body, the Church.  Faith must be lived out in the company of other believers, within a Christian congregation.

In becoming a member of a Presbyterian Church, the person promises the following: 'to be a faithful member of this congregation, share in its worship and ministry through your prayers and gifts, your study and service, and so fulfill your calling to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Membership is an opportunity to renew one's baptism, reaffirming the Lordship of Jesus Christ over one's entire life.  We renew our ministry to Christ.  This ministry is carried out by every member.  It is carried out both within the congregation and in the community.  This ministry includes:

  • proclaiming the good news
  • taking part in the common life and worship of a particular church
  • praying and studying Scripture and the faith of the Christian Church
  • supporting the work of the church through the giving of money, time, and talents
  • participating in the governing responsibilities of the church
  • demonstrating a new quality of life within and through the church
  • responding to God's activity in the world through service to others
  • living responsibly in the personal, family, vocational, political, cultural, and social relationships of life
  • working in the world for peace, justice, freedom, and human fulfillment
(book of order)

Membership is by profession of faith, reaffirmation of faith in Christ, or certificate of transfer from another Christian church.  If you are interested in living out your baptism in the Ocean View Presbyterian Church, please talk to the Pastor or one of the Elders.

Church Leadership, Organizations, and Committees:

Please click here to learn about the various leadership groups and committees that make our Church so vital.  You will quickly see how active we are!

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